Chinese Rug Cleaning

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Expert Chinese Rug Cleaning Services

There are two basic types of rugs, those that are made with modern machines and those woven by hand. Chinese rugs fall into the latter category. Machines can make many rugs that all look the same in a very short time. They do not compare in value or beauty to handmade woven rugs.

Chinese rugs are elements of a profound and extensive Asian influence. They are rooted in deep culture, consummate art attainment, and superb manufacturing craft.

Chinese Rug Fiber Content

Chinese rugs are also described as silk rugs. To be considered a silk rug, it is only necessary for the rug to contain a portion of silk. The more silk is woven into a rug, the more the value increases. Silk rugs are extremely soft. They have a plush texture and a beautiful sheen.

Silk fibers require more care than traditional wool fibers. Because of the extra care needed and the expense of the material, most “silk rugs” are blends of silk and wool, or silk and cotton. The quality, condition, and type of yarn determine some aspects of the cleaning process.

Taking Care of Chinese Rugs

Everyone who owns a Chinese rug has a purpose in mind for it. Some are solely for decorative purposes. Others are used to protect floors and keep the home clean. No matter the purpose, rugs should be kept clean and dust-free. Handing the job over to a professional is the best way to ensure the job is done correctly. You can prolong the life of your Chinese rug with routine cleaning. Professional technicians have been trained to deliver top-quality service.

The Cleaning Process

•First rugs are inspected. The type of rug, damage such as cigarette burns and the nature of stains determine the cleaning process to be used. The rugs are vacuumed, washed, rinsed, and dried in any process. The washing procedure varies somewhat with different fiber content.
•After inspections and determinations are made, rugs go through a thorough dry dusting. Dust particles that are found between fibers and the area where wefts and welts meet are removed. Ordinary vacuuming does not extract those particles.
•All rugs are soaked for the time determined necessary and given an extensive brushing, including the fringe.
•Due care is exercised when rinsing to minimize damage risk caused by compromising sensitive fibers or color run.
•Flat drying is used to reduce the danger of curling, shrinking, or compromising the rug’s shape.

Elegant silk rugs give a home a unique sort of beauty. Silk fibers are very resilient and surprisingly durable. The resiliency of the fibers allows a silk rug to be stretched and returned to the original size.

They also have a delicate nature that requires a different approach to cleaning than ordinary cotton or wool rugs. The material stains easily. Chinese rugs are frequently placed in seldom used rooms. That is the best way to keep them clean. Frequent traffic leads to damage of the rug’s embroidery and color fading. Those are situations that cannot be corrected.

Some silk rug owners choose to use them as decorative art and hang them on a wall rather than display them on the floor. Because the rugs are more investment than functional household items, always let professionals handle the cleaning of these rugs.